Our work has shown that polarization based field-fluid interactions are much more "potent than predicted, exceeding basic thermodynamic model predictions by several orders of magnitude. These strong electric-fields can induce condensation in gasses or force solutes from high field regions in liquid solutions. We are working to figure out why the models are failing, how the models can be improved, and what applications can benefit from this phenomenon. In particular, this phenomenon seems to be an ideal pre-concentrator for sensors be it enabling point-of-care diagnostics or remote sensing of persistant chemicals, the small scale and efficiency of this separations mechanism is capable of enabling new applications. Read more here!
We are also working on understanding the limits of a phenomenon called the structural disjoining pressure (SDP). SDP happens when collectively congregate and concentrate in confined spaces and creating large pressures in the process. The result is a detergent which can remove oil or particles from a surface without external agitation, perfect for cleaning porous media except that it is very slow. We are looking into ways of increasing its robustness and speed, read more here!
Our work has shown that polarization based field-fluid interactions are much more "potent than predicted, exceeding basic thermodynamic model predictions by several orders of magnitude. These strong electric-fields can induce condensation in gasses or force solutes from high field regions in liquid solutions. We are working to figure out why the models are failing, how the models can be improved, and what applications can benefit from this phenomenon. In particular, this phenomenon seems to be an ideal pre-concentrator for sensors be it enabling point-of-care diagnostics or remote sensing of persistant chemicals, the small scale and efficiency of this separations mechanism is capable of enabling new applications. Read more here!